On Sep 6, 2023 the DAO voted to dissolve and it is no longer operating. Read more here  


Trust-minimized farming, rewards in ETH, and non-dilutive tokenomics



Be active in governance and maximize your rewards.



Intrinsic floor value based on treasury capital value.



Get rewards without voting and help stabilize the Auxo price.

Yield cross chain

Organic yield without dilution

Yield is generated by liquidity provision, market making, and farming across DeFi on multiple networks. Auxo, unlike other protocols, pays yield in ETH without diluting token holders.

Non-Dilutive tokenomics

Auxo implements a unique tokenomics model - holders are never diluted versus NAV

Intrinsic floor value

AUXO gives exposure to premium crypto assets in AuxoDAO’s portfolio. Staking of $AUXO provides high-yield delivery in ETH.

Multichain Yield Strategies

Auxo protocol is actively farming across Ethereum, Arbitrum, and Optimism to capitalize on the top-yielding opportunities available.

Treasury-backed Liquidity

AUXO is backed by premium assets in the Treasury contract, creating an intrinsic floor value.The treasury backs every AUXO, protocol owned liquidity is used to reduce divergence from a healthy price around Net Asset Value.Thanks to the PRV delayed withdrawal mechanism the pool is protected from excessive volatility when AUXO is trading below NAV.



treasury backed liquidity

Active Rewards Vault - Get paid for governing

ARV is designed for holders who are actively involved in governance, with rewards for their participation and commitment. 70% of the value generated by Auxo’s treasury is paid to ARV holders who vote every month. This allows ARV holders to earn for their work on governance decisions.

Learn about ARV

Learn about ARV


Passive Rewards Vault - Hassle-free rewards to stabilize the system.

PRV offers the possibility to participate in the Auxo ecosystem outside of governance-related matters. PRV is created by depositing Auxo into the vault at a 1:1 ratio, the vault token can be staked to earn rewards. PRV Staking receives 30% of the value generated by Auxo’s treasury. PRV implements a delayed redemption mechanism to AUXO which helps stabilize the AUXO price during volatile times.

Learn about PRV

Learn about PRV


We take farming seriously

Our community is one of the oldest farming DAOs on Ethereum. We take risk management seriously, our risk framework has been extensively developed over the last 3 years.



Intrinsic floor value based on treasury capital value.

Lend to the DAO, earn fixed interest

Auxo Lends offers to lenders fixed rates pools

Capital efficient for the DAO

Treasury Backed

Secure Strategies